7 steps to optimise your marketing to finish the year strong

The final stretch of the year is here already - how did that happen? While burying your head in the sand might seem tempting, this is actually the perfect opportunity to get the most out of the last few months. Taking dedicated time here to review your marketing plan can give you a huge advantage, helping you finish the year on a high and start the new year strong, too.

Here are key steps your business should follow to wrap up the year with purpose and ease!

  1. Review your business objectives and set end-of-year goals

Your marketing activities should always be aligned with your business goals. Now’s the time to ensure your marketing direction matches any changes made throughout the year and that you're clear on your new year focus. Whether that’s boosting brand awareness, driving sales, or growing your community, make sure each goal is realistic, measurable, and tuned into your business vision.

2. Double-check your budget

As you refine your goals, do a quick check-in on your budget for the year and beyond. Prioritise the efforts that bring in the highest return on investment and make sure there’s room for festive promotions, collaborations, and fresh content to close the year.

Plus, don't forget to think about new areas for investment. Could you benefit from working with freelancers, putting a budget towards ads, or exploring SEO in a bigger way? Once you have a clear idea of where you want to take your business in the coming year, it’s easier to shape a budget that supports those goals and aligns with your marketing strategy.

3. Audit your channels and content 

This is invaluable! It helps you see what’s working and what’s not and gives you plenty of ideas for repurposing popular content.

Start by reviewing where you’re currently posting and spending your energy. Is each platform still serving your business goals? Are you reaching the right people on each channel and seeing engagement? Don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy or pull back from a platform altogether if they aren’t yielding the results you wanted. The last months of the year are to focus on what will bring the most impact. 

Then you want to explore your past content to see what has performed well. Analyse what content type it was, what CTA and hook were used, and the level of interactions. Find common themes among them. This can help guide future content, plus you can repurpose and reshare top performers in new formats. A round-up of the top performers of the year is also a great content repurposing idea to end the year. 

4. Check in on your community 

Community is the future of marketing so don’t underestimate its value. Take time to revisit your audience’s interests, needs, and pain points. Check out recent conversations in comments, messages, and community spaces, and consider opening new discussions to reconnect. When you truly understand your audience, it’s much easier to create content they feel is tailored just for them.

Do you need to redefine or refresh your understanding of your ideal client? Check out my blog on how you can do this.

5. Share your key message, again and again 

Repetition is key to retention, so don’t hesitate to repeat your core messages as often as you can. You want to stay fresh in people’s minds over the festivities when there is likely going to be a lot of noise from other brands and businesses.  

Repetition keeps your brand top of mind, which is exactly what you want during the festive and New Year periods when there is a lot of competition. When things feel noisy, staying visible and being consistent is essential. Try varying the format and delivery, but stick to your core messages to cut through the noise.

6. Plan ahead

Aim to plan your marketing content for the rest of the year and the first quarter of the new year. Consider your content, partnerships, competitions, and campaigns and aim to close out the year with a plan that builds community and keeps you visible.

Need a more strategic guide to planning your content? You can download the exact content planner I use for my clients here.

7. Schedule all your marketing content

Once your plan is set, it’s time to get all your marketing activities scheduled—from social posts and email campaigns to SEO updates and influencer collaborations. Having everything in place will set you up for a smooth, stress-free season where you can take guilt-free time off. Organise and plan each activity so you’re clear on when and how each piece will roll out, whether it’s a post, a newsletter, a blog, or an influencer partnership.

The final months of the year are essential ones for businesses - they present a fresh opportunity for growth and development. Following these steps will help you finish the year on a high note, with a clear marketing strategy to guide you.


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